Sunday 7 January 2024

AAA Cards ~ Challenge #256

Yeah! I can finally tell you my exciting news. I'm thrilled to be joining the design team at AAA Cards. It's the perfect fit for me. I love making clean and simple cards. Here's our first challenge of 2024.

Here's my card

I stuck pretty closely to the sketch. I started by stamping various birthday icons using STAMPlorations Party Mates stamp set with Versafine Onyx Black ink on a white card panel. I then cut circle masks which I created with post-it notes and circle punches - 3/4", 1" and 1 1/4". I added color using the masks and distress inks (Mermaid Lagoon, Wilted Violet, Mowed Lawn, Mustard Seed, Carved Pumpkin, Picked Raspberry, Peacock Feathers, Cracked Pistachio, Ripe Persimmon, Abandoned Coral, Kitsch Flaming, Blueprint Sketch) applied with oval ink blending brushes. For the sentiment, I used Clearly Besotted's A Little Sentimental stamp set. I adhered the panel to a white A2 card base with double-sided adhesive to complete my card.

We'd love to see how you're inspired by our sketch. Please add your cards to our gallery.

Thanks for stopping by

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1 comment:

  1. Grats on joining us on the team at AAA Cards, what a fun and colourful card to kick off with the rest of us and a great take on the sketch


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