Tuesday 4 June 2024

Try a Sketch On Tuesday ~ Challenge #648

We have a new sketch for you at Try a Sketch On Tuesday

This sketch reminded me of a scene. Here's my card

For my card, I started with the mountains and trees using Simon Says STAMP's Holiday Horizon Stencil and rustic wilderness distress ink for the trees and hickory smoke and pumice stone distress inks for the mountains, applied with oval ink blending brushes. I made a circle mask using a post-it note and a 1 1/4" circle punch. I added the clouds with the circle mask in place with Simon Says STAMP's Clouds for Days stencil and tumbled glass distress ink, applied with an oval ink blending brush. With the negative of the mask in place, I added mustard seed distress ink for the sun. For the sentiment, I used Clearly Besotted's A Little Sentimental stamp set. I adhered the panel to a white A2 card base to complete my card.

We'd love to see how you were inspired by your sketch in our gallery.

Thanks for stopping by

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  1. I can't believe that I didn't see the "sun" in the sketch, I love all these scene cards the team has created!
    -- Dalis

  2. Lovely scene you created Sue! Very calm and soothing...very nice!

  3. Great combination of stencils used to create your beautiful scene and nice interpretation of the sketch.


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