Tuesday 25 June 2024

Addicted to Stamps and More! Challenge #471

If you're looking for inspiration, we have a new challenge at Addicted to Stamps and More!

Here's my card

I stamped this poor kitty (think it might be hungover or maybe hit its head on a wall when it was zooming around) using Clearly Besotted's Feline Fine stamp set and Memento Tuxedo Black ink. I added color with Copic markers - C2, C3, E02, E33, RV21, W3, YR20. I stamped the sentiment from the same stamp set below the image. I trimmed the white A2 panel slightly so that I could have a thin black mat. I adhered the layers together and then to a white A2 card base to complete my clean and simple card.

We'd love to see your MAKE YOUR MARK card in our gallery. MAKE YOUR MARK could mean that you've used inks, paints, markers, colored pencils, etc. You get the idea, right?

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