Monday 24 June 2024

Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge #583

Happy Monday! It's time for a new challenge at Altantic Hearts Sketch Challenge. Here's the sketch

Here's my take on the sketch

So, I took the lazy way. I saw the sketch with the flowers along the left edge and thought of PinkFresh Studio's washi. They have 4" wide washi tape with a coordinating die so all one has to do is cut one "repeat" of the designs and adhere it to cardstock, in my case, white cardstock. Then using the die, all the designs are die cut - ready to use! In my case, I used PinkFresh Studio's In the Meadow washi and die set. I chose this large collection of flowers, there are several other smaller groupings of flowers. I die cut the oval from light pink cardstock, using Echo Park's Stitched Oval Nesting Die Set. I stamped the sentiment using Hero Arts Year Round Sentiments and Gina K Design's Soft Stone ink. I adhered the pieces to a light gray A2 card base to complete my card.

We'd love to see your cards inspired by our sketch in our gallery.

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