Monday 10 June 2024

Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge #581

I'm having one of those days. I thought I had everything ready to write this blog post. But no - I hadn't taken a photo of my card. Fortunately, the sun was out today and I was able to take a photo ... after work. Yup, I had to work today - UGH. So I was further delayed and of course, I had to have a nap when I got home from work. I feel like this is one of those "If you give a mouse a cookie" stories.

It's OK though. It's still Monday, at least on the West Coast. We have a new sketch challenge at Atlantic Hearts Sketch Challenge

Here's my take on the sketch

I started by creating the little scene. I ink blended Gina K Designs' Sweet Mango, Passionate Pink and Turquoise Sea on some white cardstock. I then stamped the trees using Gina K Design's Friendly Silhouettes. I then die cut using a Sizzix circle die and I matted with a dark orange cardstock, die cut with a Spellbinders Scalloped Circle die. I used the same dark orange cardstock for the 1/2" horizontal strip. I went through my 6x6 paper packs and found the chevron and polka dot papers. I cut them to size and added a fish-tail banner to the chevron paper. I stamped the sentiment using Hero Arts Year Round Sentiments stamp set and Gina K Design's Turquoise Sea on a strip of natural cardstock. I adhered the various elements onto a natural A2 card panel which I then adhered to a natural A2 card base to complete my card.

We'd love to see how you're inspired by our sketch by adding to our gallery.

Thanks for stopping by

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