Sunday 26 May 2024

AAA Cards ~ Challenge #266

Ready for some more Clean and Simple fun? A new challenge is starting at AAA Cards. Our inspiration is

For me, I was focused on the three circles. Here's my card

For my one layer card, I used Simon Says STAMP's Patterned Circles stencil. To isolate the circles and prevent unwanted overlap of colors, I made masks with Post-it Notes and a 1 1/2" circle punch. I added color with distress inks, cracked pistachio, peacock feathers and mermaid lagoon; squeezed lemonade, mustard seed, spiced marmalade; and abandoned coral, picked raspberry, wilted violet, applied with oval ink blending brushes. For the sentiment, I used Clearly Besotted's A Little Sentiment and Gina K Design's Soft Stone ink. 

We'd love to see how you're inspired by our sketch by adding your cards to our gallery.

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  1. Really interesting stencil, looks a lot of fun, what a great palate of colours you chose to work with.


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