Sunday, 9 March 2025

AAA Cards ~ Challenge #286

We have a slightly different challenge for you at AAA Cards. We are to follow the lead of one of the Design Team members.

Here's Kristen's card

Here's my take on Kristen's beautiful card

I scribbled on a piece of 100 lb bristol with Zig Clean Color Real Brush markers - cornflower blue, may bgreen, yellow, bright yellow, orange and tried to move the ink with a water brush. I wasn't very successful but liked the effect I was left with. I let the panel dry and then die cut using Memory Box's Large Olive Branch. I glued the die cut to a white A2 card base. For the sentiment, I used Simon Says STAMP's Bouquet of Thanks to complete my card.

We'd love to see how you are inspired by Kristen's card in our gallery this fortnight.

Thanks for stopping by


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